Friday, May 23, 2008

Zent's Own their Own Home

Well, it's official. We own our very own home! We began looking for homes in January not expecting to find the one we loved and bought. It look three long months to close, but we're done and have moved in.

First order of business, was to paint some of the rooms. We painted an accent wall in the Dining Room a cedar green and painted the Office a denim blue. Larry and I aren't too happy with the violet blue color in the Master Bedroom, so we may have to repaint that room. We'll see. We'll post pictures of the new colors soon. The second order of business was to purchase a refrigerator and washer and dryer for the house. We're in love with our top load refrigerator and freezer drawer!

For those of you who have continued to update your address books every time we move, this will be the last update you have to make. Here is our new home address:

9236 W 107th Mews
Westminster, CO 80021

Our home number remains the same and you can always reach us on our cell phones.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

More pictures of Kitt (within last month)

Here are a few pictures of Kitt that we've taken in the last month we've had him. He's too cute!
OH! I almost forgot, my new hobby is baking hi doggy biscuits. My dad is kind enough to share his pet sitting company name with me, and Ive been making treats for all my friends' dogs too. So the business is "A Treat for Paws Bakery".
Kitt's favorite treats are peanut butter biscuits and Begging Biscuits, which have Molasses and wheat germ in them.

Photos of Tulips in Boulder

Last weekend, Larry and I went to Boulder after church to take a stroll along Pearl Street pedestrian mall and took photos of the tullip beds. I wish I had a macro lens to really zoon up to the buds, but I still enjoy these photos. Check out the one with the salt shaker in the bed.

In fact, I enjoyed the experience so much, I went back Monday with one of my co-workers and took more photos.