Friday, November 28, 2008

Kit Loving Thanksgiving!

Kit licking and eating a Turkey leg bone. Unfortunately, he ate part of the end of the bone, so we had to take the treat away. But he also got to have fresh turkey meat with mashed potatoes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Kit Attacking a Stuff Animal

In the Open Space next to our house, we walk Kit daily. Recently a bunch of neighborhood kids brought an old, and quite large Polar Bear stuffed animal to space. Here's a picture of Kitt attacking it. He's such a great guard dog!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lillian & Mimi's visit to Colorado

Both Lillian, Larry's mom, and Mimi, Larry's sister, had the chance to visit our new home in October. They arrive the day after I returned from visiting my Matthew.

We had a great time catching up with them both and reminiscing the family's past. Needless to say, since Larry's heritage is French, we did a lot of drinking of great red wines, aperitifs, and after dinner drinks too. We had enjoyable meals too.
One night we had Tom and Katie over for dinner - which was the perfect fall meal I must admit. Pork tenderloin in mustard/pepper rub with homemade sweet potato fries, and acorn squash stuffed with applesauce. Yummy! And Katie brought her mom's apple pudding dessert. A perfect evening!
We went into Boulder one day. Mimi traded one of her kimonos (a wedding kimono) for two kimonos that went better with her home decor and one for her to wear. Thank you to Janene for doing the trade with her.
We also strolled along the Pearl Street Pedestrian Mall in Boulder. And we happened to come across President Elect Obama. Nice photo opp....
And Kit always found an opportunity to be on Lillian's lap. When Larry was growing up, they had a dog similar to Kit, but back then they were called German Spitz's. So Lillian was familiar with the breed and absolutely fell in love with Kit.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Two Little Pumpkins

I just received this photo from my brother. Matthew is too cute!