Monday, October 27, 2008

My visit with Matthew

The day after I arrived, we went shopping at IKEA. Craig wanted to pick up a few things and I had my heart on getting a few more jars for my homemade hot cocoa mix.

This picture was taken after we entered into IKEA. Matthew was asleep in the Mobi on Craig's chest. His poor neck is twisted in this picture.
Matthew you getting his evening feeding and wide awake.
Below... Matthew hanging out with dad in the office, having the hick-ups.

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Ride - new music in Colorado

Larry and I attended small group training at Grace Church over last weekend, and were introduced to a new local band, The Ride. They have a creative funk sound and their guitar work is incredible.

Friday night they performed acoustically with only microphones for vocals.